Anna Perälä
What is hypnobirthing?
Hypnobirthing is a method which can help to make birth a stress free, relaxed and empowering event. According to hypnobirthing philosophy, all babies should come into the world in a calm and peaceful environment. When Mom has prepared for birth mentally and physically, she is able to birth her baby more easily, relaxed and with less pain.
Hypnobirthing combines deep relaxation techniques, self hypnosis, special breathing techniques, visualization, affirmations and comprehensive birth training. With this method Mom is brought in touch with her natural birthing instincts and baby's birth will be safer and easier.
What benefits does hypnobirthing have?
Mother learns to let go of thoughts and fears that cause muscle tension which increases pain.
There is less need for episiotomies, pain medications and other procedures.
Mom is less tired during birth and stays alert and energized.
The opening phase becomes shorter, and Mom learns to breathe the baby down during descent without forced pushing.
Pelvic floor damage is minimized.
Oxygen flow to the baby is better during birth.
Mom, her partner and the baby can experience a gentle, calm and empowering birth, and they have a strong bond already during pregnancy.
The partner has a very active role in supporting the Mom.
There is less risk for post partum depression.
Babies are more satisfied and eat and sleep better.
Special breathing techniques reduce Mom's risk for hyperventilation during birth.
What is hypnosis and why is it useful during birth?
Hypnosis means a deeply relaxed state, where our conscious, analytical mind moves out of the way and we get access to our unconscious mind. In this state it's easy for us to accept suggestions and let go of negative thoughts and fears. Mom gets a chance to get rid of her fears toward birth before the event itself. With self hypnosis Mom can prepare for birth by "programming" her mind with positive affirmations and empowering mental images. Getting into a hypnotic state is a skill that gets better by practising. When this has been practised during pregnancy, during birth it feels natural and is easy.
During birth a hypnotic state helps to keep Mom in a deeply relaxed state, and the birth advances easily and fast. The birth hormone oxytocin is released when Mom is relaxed and when she feels safe. Mom goes into her own birth bubble and is brought in touch with her own birthing instincts. The partner's job is to help protect Mom's bubble and help keep her feeling safe during birth. Hypnobirthing training keep the partner great skills for this. Birth becomes a more relaxed and stress free event, and Mom doesn't need to feel anxiety or fear, and in many cases, even much pain. Birth will be an empowering, wonderful life event for Mom and her partner.
Skype-training also possible! Read more in my blog! (in Finnish)
Katso video hypnosynnytyksestä:
Terhi's hypnobirthing story:
I got to experience a wonderful and repairing waterbirth a month ago.
I attended the hypnobirthing training and practised the relaxation and breathing techniques. The birth started with surges during the afternoon. We waited at home and I didn't believe the birth was actually starting. When I had had surges for a couple of hours 5 minutes apart, we put on the tens machine and drove to the hospital (1h). I was only 3 cm open but we got to stay there. The Satasairaala birthing room was great! There was a wall with a picture of nature that I got to choose, dim lighting, relaxing music. When I was 6 cm open I got to go in the tub. I had managed well with the surges with breathing, the tens machine and water, but I also took some laughing gas (which was a wonderful relief). Finally I felt like I needed something stronger (I wondered if I could already be fully open and if this was the moment we talked about in hypnobirthing),the midwife examined me and said I am fully open and can push when I fell like it. It took 6 minutes and the baby was born in the water, every phase went according to the books like the feeling that I can't do it without drugs. But it was so great that I didn't need an epidural and recovery has been phenomenal this time!
It's unbelievable how good I'm feeling after my second birth, I can walk and sit normally which took about two weeks after my first baby was born.
❤ Thanks to hypnobirthing/Anna
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