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Doula services:


Basic package: 950 e

Instant doula package: 500 e

Hypno doula package: 1250 e

(Plus travel costs 0,57 e/km if traveling farther from Seinäjoki)


Talking with a doula 50 e/h

(You get info and support for birth)



Seinäjoki, Vaasa, Pori, Tampere, Kokkola




Hypnotherapy 80 e/1 hrs


Homeopathic treatment 80 e

(If you choose me as your doula,

homeopathic treatment is included in the package.)


Reiki healing 50 e

(If you choose me as your doula,

Reiki healing is included in the package.)


Bach flower essences

1st bottle 40 e, next bottles 30 e


Gua sha combing 45 e


TENS device rental

4 weeks 50 e


Courses and lectures:


Homeopathy for pregnancy and birth internet class 80 e


Homeopathy for childhood ailments internet class 80 e


Hypnobirthing classes:


3 days/2 persons 320 e

3 days/1 person 160 e


Mother blessing and hen parties

ask for a price!


Prices include 24 % vat tax.

Doula Turku
doula package:


600 e


(4 weeks on-call time)

1 meeting before and 1 after birth

and TENS machine for you.


(Plus travel costs 0,57 e/km

if traveling farther from Seinäjoki)

Lactation consulting:


50 e/h


(Plus travel costs 0,57 e/km

if traveling farther from Seinäjoki)


Post partum doula package:

500 e


C-section doula package:

300 e


Bereavement doula package:

ask for a price, starting at 200 e

"Thanks to our doula I experienced just the kind of birth I wanted. I had wished to birth our child naturally and without medications.
We didn't go to the hospital too soon, but stayed home. With Anna's help we had made a wish list for our birth and I didn't have to talk very much at the hospital."
- Anette

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Anna Perälä

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